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发布时间:2020-04-23 来源:万森电热 阅读量:623

 一.停止运行    查看防爆加热器防爆电加热器_防爆加热器_蒸汽电加热器,移动式电加热锅炉_生产厂家_图片_型号 - 浙江万森电热设备股份有限公司的电源,确保是否因为线路出现问题所造成的,三相电是否都正常或有缺相,如果缺相,及时找电工修复;保险熔断器是否完好,设备本身是否烧坏情况;打开空气加热器防护罩,用万用表检查单支电热元件是否断路。
    二.温度表显示异常    当防爆加热器的温度表数据显示异常时,我们首先得检查空气的开关是否已经合上,再检查控制回路是不是完好的;通电后加热器的温度适中上不去,我们要排查故障原因首先检查熔断器是不是完好的,若没有问题就看看是不是加热器本身就已损坏在冬天动辄0℃以下的时候,如若不采取放到措施,加热器里的水就很容易结成冰,影响正常运行不说,还很可能使管道爆裂。不同地域表冷器冻裂的原因可能不同,在气温比较温和的地区可能是因为冬天没有设置预热盘,而表冷器里面有水。吸入室外的冷空气后冻结。

1、 Stop operation and check the explosion-proof electric heater, explosion-proof heater, steam electric heater, mobile electric heating boiler, manufacturer, picture, model - the power supply of Zhejiang Wansen Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. to ensure whether the three-phase electricity is normal or there is a lack of phase due to circuit problems. If there is a lack of phase, find an electrician to repair it in time. If there is a lack of phase, check the fuse In good condition, check whether the equipment is burnt out; open the air heater protective cover, and check whether the single electric heating element is open circuit with a multimeter.

2、 The temperature meter displays abnormally. When the temperature meter data of the explosion-proof heater shows abnormally, we must first check whether the air switch has been closed, and then check whether the control circuit is intact. After power on, the temperature of the heater does not go up properly. We need to check the cause of the fault. First check whether the fuse is intact. If there is no problem, we need to check whether the heater itself is intact Damaged in winter, when the temperature is often below 0 ℃, if measures are not taken, the water in the heater will easily form ice, which will affect the normal operation, and it is likely to burst the pipeline. Different regions may have different reasons for the surface coolers to crack. In areas with moderate temperature, there may be no preheating plate in winter, and there is water in the surface coolers. Freezing after inhaling cold air outside.